2:27 minutes
by Jade Rawlings
Salvation doesn’t taste like light,
It tastes like burning coals,
Holy wine isn’t so delightful
as it drips thick crimson from the alter,
Those angels you color so beautifully,
Have thousands of eyes and they are made of fire,
This wisdom of Solomon is not crystal clear,
Is drenched in the black baptismal water,
You kissed a prophet once,
and had nightmares of cities burning
For months after,
To be a martyr is to be sacrificed
To be sacred is to be made of splintered bone,
Rosanna, rosanna, rosanna, to our God in the highest,
Rings in your bleeding ears,
We weren’t made to be holy.

Stills: black-sparrow-flying-design.jpeg, Jade.PNG credit, Steve.PNG credit
MP3: dizzy-logo, holy-motion.mkv
Voiceover: holy-VO-final.mp3
Music soundtrack:
Outro: Pouring Out – Aasher Fulero.mp3
Fortunate Note – Silent Partner.mp3