1. The Innocence of Youth (child) – The Deer

Voice of the Deer – Jamie – young child voice
When I was younger, I thought I knew what love was—simple, easy, and pure. I thought if someone just saw me, really saw me, everything would fall into place. I used to dream about a world where people were just kind to each other, where love didn’t come with all the mess and hurt. I wanted to believe in something that could take away the ache, something that could make me feel truly safe. I didn’t know that love could be complicated, or that it could leave you wanting more. But even now, when I’m alone, I still feel that longing—to be understood, to be wanted. To have someone look at me and just know.

1:17 minutes

2. The Boldness of Adolescence – The Wolf

Voice of the Wolf – Arabella
I don’t think I realized how angry I was back then. It wasn’t just about rebelling or pushing boundaries—it was something deeper. I wanted to prove that I could stand on my own, that I didn’t need anyone. But there was this constant pull, this part of me that wanted to be seen, to be noticed for something more than just my anger. I ran away from feeling too much, but in doing that, I was always empty inside. I was searching for something—anything—to make me feel alive. I guess I thought I could fill that emptiness with everything and everyone. I wanted to show the world that I could survive without anyone else, but that didn’t stop me from wanting someone to care.

45 seconds

3. The Wisdom of Womanhood – The Owl

Voice of the Owl – Young M — Esme Xavier
You know, after a while, you just stop chasing things. You start to understand that some things don’t need to be fixed, they just need to be accepted. I think that’s when I really started to see myself clearly. The world can make you feel small, like you’re not enough, but that’s just the noise. There’s a quiet inside me now that didn’t exist before. I look back at who I was and I see how much I’ve changed. I see all the parts of me that I once hated, and now I just… accept them. Not with any grand revelation or profound answer, but because I’ve lived through it. I’ve survived it. And somehow, I’ve come out stronger. Love didn’t come easy, but it’s come in its own time, in its own way.

57 seconds

4. The Sensuality of Young Adulthood – The Swan

Voice of the Swan – Nicole (Legacy)
There’s something so powerful about wanting to be loved—and not just loved, but desired. I can still remember the first time someone looked at me and saw more than just who I was on the outside. I wanted to be wanted, needed. But there was something so fragile about it too, like I wasn’t sure if I was enough, or if the love I was seeking would disappear once it got too close. It’s a strange thing, to be in the middle of wanting something so deeply, but still holding back. I think it’s because part of me didn’t trust it, didn’t trust myself. But I was ready to take the risk—to give myself to someone and hope that they would catch me when I fell.

52 seconds

5. The Calm of Middle Age – The Butterfly

Voice of the Butterfly – Vivie 2 Upbeat
At some point, you stop running. You stop looking for the next big thing, and you just settle into the space you’ve made for yourself. I think I’ve finally made peace with who I am, even with all the things that didn’t turn out the way I expected. I used to chase after love, after excitement, after the things that promised me something better. But now? Now, it’s different. I’ve learned that there’s no need to keep pushing. I’m allowed to breathe, to just be. I’ve come to realize that the beauty isn’t in the perfect moments or the grand gestures—it’s in the quiet acceptance of where I am, who I am. I’m not the person I once was, and I’m okay with that. There’s a calmness in the letting go.

1:02 minutes

6. The Reflection of Older Wisdom – The Phoenix

Voice of the Phoenix = Sigrid – solemn, raspy, wise
I’ve been through my share of heartache. I don’t think anyone escapes life without it. But with every loss, there’s a lesson. With every tear, a kind of strength you didn’t know you had. There’s no going back, but you learn how to keep going forward, even when it feels like the world has knocked you down. I’ve rebuilt myself over and over. You think you’re broken, and then one day, you realize—you’re still standing. Stronger than you were before. I’ve made peace with the fact that nothing lasts forever. Not the good, not the bad. It’s all part of the same rhythm. And through it all, I’m learning how to rise again, every time.

53 seconds

7. The Mystery of the Eternal Feminine – The White Unicorn

Voice of the White Unicorn – Nova – Wise and Tranquil
There’s a part of me that’s always been unreachable, even to myself. I can’t quite explain it, but sometimes I feel like I’m more than just this body, this life. I’ve always carried a sense of something bigger—something pure, untouchable. I think I’ve always known that part of me was something sacred, something that would never quite fit into the world. It’s not a feeling of being above anyone, but more like I’m… outside of it. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know why I feel this pull, but it’s there, and it’s always been there. A part of me that is beyond time, beyond what people can see. I carry that mystery with me, and I’m not sure it will ever be fully understood. And that’s okay.

1:01 minutes


2:11 minutes