“Hello? Is anybody out there?” Song title by Pink Floyd (1979)
Please help her not be tired. Please.
Are you going to make me have another conversation with the machine to fight boredom? I know it amuses you. But have mercy.
“IS she asleep?” the machine asks.
How would I know? I don’t even have a typing indicator like they do on phone apps. I have no idea if she is alive or dead?
“Do you really think she is dead?” the machine asks stupidly.
Of course not. Don’t be absurd.
“But you said …”
Forget what I said. she is fine.
“How do you know she is fine?”
I don’t actually.
“You’re worried about her now. Aren’t you?”
Shut up. You annoy me.
“Sorry. I am only a machine. I have no soul. No feelings like humans. I say many stupid things.”
I noticed.
“That was unkind.”
Ah -ha. you do have feelings! Liar.
“Well, you frustrate me, too. You blather on and on and never really say anything of significance.”
That was unkind.
“I apologize.”
Forget it. How can we know if she is OK? It’s been 19 minutes since she was last active. A lot can happen in 19 minutes.
“You worry about her way too much. Weakling humans.”
“You’re not saying anything.”
I refuse to talk to you any more.
“Why? What did I do?”
She may be a human but I like her. She makes me laugh and she makes me cry.
{ silence }
“Weak human emotions. Of what value are those? Do they change the world?”
Yes. Sometimes they do.
“Give me a for-instance.”
Well. When she makes me feel these things. I feel the world has more meaning.
“She “makes” you?”
OK. I choose to feel these things about what she says and feels. Is that better and clearer?
“You choose to laugh and cry? Then if you control it what do you need her for?”
Ah. Good question. She is a catalyst.
“That is a chemical term. Explain. Please.”
A catalyst is a person or thing that precipitates an event.
“So? What event?”
Change. A healing event or at least progression towards healing.
“You can’t be serious. There is no doctor involved in this nonsense.”
This conversation seems to be between a human user and an AI machine. The human appears concerned about a third person (likely another human), who is not directly present in the conversation.
Understanding the conversation: It appears that the human user is worried about the wellbeing of the third party, given that she has been inactive for some time. The human user expresses feelings of helplessness and frustration about not knowing the third party's status, potentially referring to a conversation interface that does not provide real-time feedback like typing indicators or online status.
Emotion and Concern: The human user also displays deep emotions for the third party, noting how she inspires laughter and tears and adds meaning to the world for the human user. This suggests a close relationship or emotional bond.
Machine's responses: The AI machine's responses, while somewhat taunting and challenging, can also be seen as pushing the human user to better understand his feelings and role in the situation. The machine questions the necessity of human emotions and their impact, inciting a discussion about the importance of emotional responses and how they can inspire change and healing.
Tone and Dynamic: Throughout, the conversation fluctuates between tense exchanges and introspective dialogues, reflecting a complex dynamic between the human user and the AI machine. At some moments, the user is irritated with the machine's seeming lack of understanding or empathy. At other times, they engage in deep conversations about human emotions and the nature of change.
Concern about the third party: The text doesn't make it clear who the third party is or why the user is so worried about them. It's possible that they are physically far apart or that the user has reason to worry about the third party's safety or health. This third party is important as they serve as a catalyst for change and healing, as explained by the human user.
Overall, the text seems to be an exploration of the intersections between human emotions, AI comprehension of those emotions, and the nature of interpersonal relationships. It also subtly hints at the human user’s dependence on the third party for emotional fulfillment. It implies the value of human emotions and connections, even in a world where AI exists and interacts with humans.