6:51 minutes
Guinea Pig
Represents my need to be more responsible and attentive. Through experimentation and taking risks, I learn how – and how not – to do something. I learn from my mistakes.
To eat sugar represents the pleasures and enjoyment I deny myself in my life. Sometimes, I need to indulge myself and not worry about the consequences.
A sugar cube suggests I need to lighten up and quit being so serious.
Fast Food
To eat fast food indicates I am not taking the time to cater to my emotions. I am not taking good care of my physical or mental health.
Represents physical and emotional nourishment and energies. Eating certain foods also refer to qualities that I need to incorporate within myself.
Celery represents my need to be cleansed, either physically or emotionally.
Represents my underdeveloped emotions. I am distancing myself from others so that I won’t end up getting hurt. I am able to separate sex and love.
Web Assets
Bjork feat. P.J. Harvey – Satisfaction-excerpt.mp3
Def Leppard You Can’t Always Get What You Want-excerpt.mp3
Sounds effects
Guinea pig NOISES!.mp3
Video clips
How to Pronounce Sugarless.mp4
Still image